For women in particular, sex toys are a handy method to satisfy themselves when there is no male around. And why not? After all, many women live a fast life just like men. They work long hours and often have little time to socialize outside of working hours. Why would a woman want to masturbate? For the very same reason why you masturbate. It doesn’t take much thought to figure it out. Male or Female, we all have the same needs and desires.
For women, the clitoris is the key. It has so many stimulating nerve endings it makes the male mind boggle. The clitoris is much like the head of a penis but even more sensitive. It is the Holy-Grail of a women’s sexuality and most women know how to use it for their own maximum intimate experiences.
A few centuries ago, it was not uncommon for women to go to their physician to have him masturbate her! Seriously. It was thought that overly sexually active women would lead themselves into diabolic trouble and that they should not feel sexual urges. It wasn’t good for your health to have sex more than once per week.
As astonishing as it may seem, countless Doctors spent up to 50% of their working hours masturbating women. What a job! Can you imagine getting paid to masturbate women? I for one would work overtime at every chance!
Thank goodness technology has caught up with the clitoris and made it achievable for females to get their rocks off without the necessity to drop in on their local GP. Vibrators and other sex toys have liberated females. In fact, These days Doctors actively sanction the use of sex toys to promote orgasm.
Some females cant be bothered with the ritual of ‘Clubbing’ and the hassle of finding a mate. Accordingly they make use of sex toys in the same way that guys use escorts. They figure that it isn’t worth their time to locate a mate, so why bother? The sex toy such as a vibrator is simpler and faster and you don’t have to drive it home in the morning. A vibrator is permanently willing to go. No necessity to hang around for it to obtain an erection. What a great device! Females can now make themselves have an orgasm in half the time a male can give them one.
In addition, there is no chance of disease. You can depend on a sex toy to be loyal. You know if it has strayed and with whom!
Males and Females are very much the same when it comes to sexual longing. Like men, some females have potent sexual urges. This does not mean that they are slutty, they’re just randy! Accepting that females have sexual desires is essential. Just like understanding you have sexual wants.
Here are a couple of things that males fear in relation to vibrators.
This one truly gets me! “Its OK for a bloke to masturbate but its not OK for a girl to masturbate. Some males actually believe it is wrong… they can jack-off but their lady shouldn’t?
Addiction. Will she become addicted to the vibrator and will that make my dick obsolete? There is no need to fear the vibrator. Adopt it as an assistant. Take pleasure in watching her orgasm like there is no tomorrow.
Nothing will take the place of the feel of another human being. Unless their vibrators can cuddle them after they are done, a vibrator won’t replace you.
The great thing about masturbation is that you can go anywhere in your mind without impacting on anyone else. It is your ‘private’ experience and your private indulgence. When all is said and done, masturbation is a great way to relive the stresses of the day.