3 Erotic Sex Positions to Help You Last Longer in Bed – Make Passionate Love the Whole Night Long!

#1. Side by side

Side by side: this position is fabulous because it set off emotional response and enhances intimacy between {couples}. Most significantly, it permits you to control your self better, thus enabling you to last longer in intercourse. Here is how to perform side-by-side sexual position: both partners lie on their side, with your arms wrapping round her. Then, you place the head of penis close to the vaginal opening and enter slowly. You might wish to hold her hips for ease of penetration.


#2. Her on top

Her on top: should you want to last longer in intercourse, you should allow her to take control. That way, you get to focus on arousal and achieve higher ejaculatory control. As well, it permits your free fingers to stroke her breasts and clitoris to intensify her pleasure. In a typical her-on-top position, you lie on your back while she rides on you. Alternatively, the position could be formed on a desk or chair.

Erotic extra: instead of up-and-down motion, have her to move in back-and-forth or circular movement. It helps to forestall your manhood from slipping out and amplify orgasmic response for both companions. In addition to, you need to maintain her waists or hips for leverage of thrusting.

#3. Man on top

Man on top: have her to lie at the edge of desk. Drape one of her leg in the air as you penetrate from entrance. With this position, penetration is deep and arousing. As well, it is comforting, and allow you to delay coitus easily.

Final note: I would like to share a significant quote with you, from writer Barbara Keesling.


“When you’re scared, your penis shows it. When you’re excited, you’re penis reveals it. When you’re depressed, your penis knows it, and it behaves accordingly.”

In short, you might want to begin worrying. Don’t get overly burdened over the length of intercourse. When you let worry guidelines you, you are going to fail, period. Simply focus on giving her pleasure, and you will see great improvement in your performance.

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